Making Mentally ill Defendants Ready For Trial



In a post written by Michael Brick of NBC news, psychiatrists at mental hospitals across the country prepare criminal defendats for trial by using innovative therapies such as the ‘make believe hearing’. This therapy involves patients and clinicians playing the key courtroom roles. They believe that this process can reduce recidivism and promote public safety.

Michael Jumes, director of psychology services at the Kerrville State Hospital, says that “Good treatment is your best security,” and ads “Medication alone can’t do it.”

However, lawmakers in various states are brainstorming on ways to minimize the cost of preparing mentally ill defendants for trial. Many are already considering the idea of providing the treatment in jail to save money.

Sen. Robert Duncan, a Lubbock Republican explains that a jail based program can enable defendants “to quickly receive treatment in a county jail from a team of highly qualified mental health professionals without waiting several weeks to be transported.”

read more at: Making mentally ill defendants ready for trial | NBC News