Five Tips For Improved Negotiating


Ever tried negotiating yet in the end, you were not able to get what you want or have gotten an  unfair deal? Negotiation is an art as well as a skill that can be learned. While many who are skilled at it, tend to abuse it, your main aim when it comes to negotiating should be to get what you want and need yet not cheat or neglect the needs and wants of the other person.

Author, Aaron Shepherd of Lifehacker shares about his experiences with negotiation and his quest to get better at it. In his post he shares “I believe if we can increase our negotiating prowess, we’ll have an easier time getting what we need/want in a dignified manner.” While admitting he is not an expert yet, he shares 5 tips he collected from Brodow (“King of Negotiators” by SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt) and his boss.

The first and most neglected tip is listening. Brodow states the two importance of listening which is it helps others feel respected as well as help build trust.

The second tip is to aim for a win-win situation. While many would think that the main aim of a negotiation is to get the most slice out of the deal, Brodow explains that the “the “win-win” negotiators seem to have the most success.”

The third tip is to look for commonalities or to look for things you and the other person share in common. Sharing a common interest makes it difficult for the other person to have a confrontation with you.

Fourth in Aaron’s tips is acknowledging counters or objections. This method allows the other person to feel that he/she is being heard and then prevents that person from ending the discussion. Lastly, Aaron suggests that we broaden the pie or think of other possibilities when negotiating. Do not center your negotiation on one thing, instead offer more than what was originally being offered thus enhancing the odds of successful negotiation. via [LifeHacker]