Bathroom Remodeling Tips From The Budget Wise



For most us, having an elegant bathroom is important. It is among the places in our home where we can have privacy or a moment of peace. If you are not satisfied with your bathroom or do not like it since it is just plain ugly, there are budget wise ways to make the necessary bathroom remodeling.

Focus on fixing the tiles that are damaged. If it is your first time to perform tilling or you do not have the budget to change all the tiles, you can first put your focus on replacing the tiles that are damaged.

Refurbish the wood cabinets. You can sand the wood on your cabinets then stain it, or sand the wood then repaint it with a color that can match your walls.

Purchase ‘do-it-yourself plumbing kits’. Take your time understanding the instructions and make sure to follow them carefully.

Improve the wood trim surrounding your bathroom’s windows and floor. To have brand new looking wood trim without spending a lot, do not buy a new wood to replace them. Instead, you can remove your current trim then remove the paint, perform sanding and apply varnish or paint.

Repaint the walls. Before applying paint, make sure to remove your old wallpaper or if already painted, remove dirty, sticky and flaked areas. It is vital that your bathroom wall is first free of damp and mildew before applying paint.

Replace bathroom’s hardware fixtures. They do not have to be brand new. You can purchase great looking cabinets, towel racks lights and mirrors at flea markets, online auctions or thrift stores.

Buy new bathroom accessories. It is easy to find affordable rugs, towels and curtains. Replacing your old ones can make your bathroom have a new look.

Do not let yourself suffer or endure. The tips above requires patience and effort on your part but it is worth it if you wish to remodel your bathroom without hurting your budget.  via [wikihow]